本帖最后由 zoubois 于 2016-6-14 17:39 编辑
Global Coordinate System
The global coordinate system used in LightTools is a right-handed system, as shown below. In the 2D Design view and the Imaging Path view, the layouts are inherently in the Y-Z plane, with the Z axis usually being the direction of the “optical axis” (although there is not necessarily a real optical axis in the 2D Design view).
全球坐标系统用于LightTools是一个右手准则系统,如下所示。 在2 d设计视图和成像路径视图的布局,天生- Z平面上,Z轴通常是“光轴的方向(虽然并不一定是真正的光轴在2 d设计视图)。
Figure 9. Right-handed coordinate system used in LightTools
图9。 用于LightTools右手坐标系
The right-handed coordinate system is defined as follows: if X, Y, and Z are vectors representing the axis directions, then X Y = Z, where means vector cross product. This is the same coordinate system used in CODE V. 右手坐标系定义如下:如果X,Y,和Z是向量代表轴方向,然后X Y = Z,意味着向量叉乘。 这是相同的坐标系统中使用CODE V。 The rotation angles in each plane are not necessarily right handed. The rotation angle alpha (rotation in the Y-Z plane about +X) and the rotation angle beta (rotation in the X-Z plane about +Y) are left-handed rotations. The rotation angle gamma (rotation in the X-Y plane about +Z) is right-handed. These rotations are shown in the following figure. These are the same rotation angle sign conventions used in CODE V.